
Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Lair Hill Beautification and SPNA sponsor monthly clean ups of Grover Tunnel and when sufficient volunteers, the Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge and Elevator. We supply all equipment for graffiti removal, garbage collection and leaf and other foliage debris. Please bring gloves. And if possible, tools to cut branches and rake up cuttings are always appreciated.

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Lair Hill Beautification and SPNA sponsor monthly clean ups of Grover Tunnel and when sufficient volunteers, the Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge and Elevator. We supply all equipment for graffiti removal, garbage collection and leaf and other foliage debris. Please bring gloves. And if possible, tools to cut branches and rake up cuttings are always appreciated.

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Lair Hill Beautification and SPNA in cooperation with Westside Watershed and as per agreement with PBOT will sponsor a clean up of garbage and graffiti at Grover Pedestrian Tunnel AND the removal of some invasive IVY at area west of Grover Tunnel. Invasive Ivy will be replaced with native plants provided by West Side Watershed.
Strong gloves are especially recommended. Otherwise, we provide all necessary supplies and tools.

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Lair Hill Beautification and SPNA sponsor monthly clean ups of Grover Tunnel and when sufficient volunteers, the Darlene Hooley Pedestrian Bridge and Elevator. We supply all equipment for graffiti removal, garbage collection and leaf and other foliage debris. Please bring gloves. And if possible, tools to cut branches and rake up cuttings are always appreciated.

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Portland City Council Candidate Walk

Join Oregon Walks, and SWTrails PDX as they host district 4 city council candidates, local constituents, and community partners to discuss transportation issues in SW Portland. The event will involve a guided walk with area expert and SWTrails founder Don Baack who will focus on multimodal transportation and infrastructure in the area.

Meet at the entrance to George Himes Park on the corner of SW Nebraska St. and SW Terwilliger Blvd

RSVP to Sara Westersund at sara@oregonwalks.org

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Grover St Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Grover Street Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Poetry Night

Ross Island Grocery & Cafe 7-9PM
3502 S Corbett Ave

Please join us for an hour of poetry from two published local writers. Following is an open mic poetry reading. Sign up sheets available at the start of the reading and during the break.

For more information check out the events page at rossislandgrocery.com

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Grover Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Southwest Land Use & Transportation Forum

The September 25 Southwest Land Use & Transportation Forum will include a presentation from Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) Economic City Planner Ariel Kane, on the Proposed Draft of the 2045 Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) that is now available for review. Submit testimony on HNA through the Map App or sign up to testify for the PC hearing taking place on September 26.

Register HERE for Zoom link

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Grover Tunnel Cleanup

Grover Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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About Our Greenway

About Our Greenway

In place of South Portland’s monthly Board meeting, please join the SPNA in a discussion of the health of the south end of the Willamette Greenway Trail (south of S.Bancroft). Dogs and kids welcome. Ice cream will be served!

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Grover Tunnel Cleanup

Join your neighbors for a clean-up of Grover Tunnel and (if enough volunteers) Darlene Hooley Bridge /Elevator. All volunteers should meet at Grover Tunnel, east entrance/ exit at 10 AM. We encourage everyone to wear gloves. Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SPNA supply all paint, rollers, inserts and poles for graffiti removal in Tunnel and cleaning wipes for Elevator. We also supply garbage bags for removal of all garbage. Although syringes are not generally found, any found must be placed in sharps container provided. Groundskeeping is an important component, especially at Grover Tunnel so extra garden tools and a push broom are always appreciated. Donations to buy more supplies accepted.

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Clean Up Day– Grover Tunnel & Gibb St. Elevator

Clean Up Day– Grover Tunnel & Gibb St. Elevator

This event is made possible by a partnership with neighborhood businesses, Walsh Construction, SPNA, Lair Hill Beautification Committee and SOLVE. You are encouraged, but not required to register with SOLVE so we can communicate to Walsh the number of volunteers. Knowing the total number of volunteers will enable us to better supply paint, brushes-rollers-poles, garbage bags, push brooms etc. We will supply all clean up items. All volunteers are strongly encouraged to bring work gloves. Masking is optional. Please RSVP to: Kap1947M@gmail.com

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Friday Night Chess at Lair Hill Bistro

Friday Night Chess at Lair Hill Bistro

Hello everyone! Every Friday there is chess at the Lair Hill Bistro ( 2823 SW 1st Ave. Portland, OR 97201 ) from 6pm - 8pm (feel free to show up early!) to play chess, learn, have fun. All skill levels are welcome from those just curious about learning chess to those well advanced and everything in between. For those who would like to learn chess, I can certainly help you with that! Also, Lair Hill Bistro has some wonderful food and coffee. ALSO: it's every Friday :-)

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Meeting/ Zidell Yards proposed development

A neighborhood meeting for a proposed subdivision of the Zidell Yards site located in South Waterfront. The subdivision is anticipated to create 12 lots and extend necessary infrastructure, including public streets and utilities, through the Zidell Yards site that will allow for future development. 

Invite link: www.zoom.us/join

Meeting ID: 851 5698 9815

Passcode/password: 040523

Dial-in/phone option: +1 253-205-0468

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